Thursday, May 3, 2012

Canon G12 remote shutter trigger for under $10

The canon G12 comes with a timer but sometimes this doesn't come in handy. The other day I was trying to make a self portrait with an off camera flash when I realized that the flash didn't work with the timer. A remote would have been great just there. A remote is also useful when you want your hands off the camera but want to be able to shoot at will unlike with the timer.

Not being one who likes to spend money for nothing, read cheap, I looked into a few instructables and found out that making a remote was pretty straight forward. So I went shopping at the electronics store.

I came out with a cellular phone headset and a small project box. I already had switches from a previous project. All I had to do was to cut the headset off, strip the wires, make some holes in the box for the switches and solder everything together. The only hard part is figuring out which wire is which. Simply strip them, plug the jack in the camera and start connecting them one by one to see what the camera does. One will activate the focus, one will activate the shutter with the other wire (or wires) being the ground. I put the switch on top for setting the focus and the red momentary switch triggers the shutter.

That's it that's all and for less than $10.

Until next time.

Gerry :)

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